This page is made up of annotated links to other web pages relating to brain injury and BI Resources all over the net. Organizations Alabama Head Injury Foundation. AHIF provides information to help clients and families understand the results of injury. AHIF helps access available resources and provides and programs which meet the unique needs of individuals with traumatic brain injury as well as spinal cord injury. American Academy of Neurology. The American Academy of Neurology provides valuable resources for medical specialists worldwide who are committed to improving the care of patients with neurological diseases. Brain Injury Association. The BIA is an organization devoted to serving people with brain injuries and their families. It also seeks to promote Brain Injury prevention as well as research into Brain Injury. Brain Injury Association of Queensland. The Brain Injury Association of Queensland is the peak disability organization in Queensland for those living with acquired brain injury. Brain Injury Association of Texas. The Brain Injury Association of Texas helps families in their search for facilities and support for loved ones who have sustained brain injury. Brain Injury Chat. Chatrooms, message boards, stories and poems written by survivors and caregivers. Brain Injury Resource Center. A service of Head Injury Hotline, providing difficult to fins information about head injury since 1985. Brain Injury Ring. The Brain Injury Ring provides access to the homepages of brain injury survivors, caregivers, friends, family and BI resources on the web. Brain Injury Society. Serving brain injured individuals and their families. Coma Recovery Association. Advocacy, general information, networking, referrals and support. Common Cause A nonprofit, nonpartisan citizen's lobbying organization promoting open, honest and accountable government. This page contains some outstanding resources for getting around in our bureaucratic world. Concussion in High School Sports. Educational tool kit that contains a variety of information to help coaches prevent, recognize and manage a concussion. Family Caregiver Alliance. Family Caregiver Alliance supports and assists caregivers of brain-impaired adults through education, research, services and advocacy. FCA is the lead agency in California's innovative system of Caregiver Resource Centers. Headway. From the UK, a brain injury association dedicated to promoting understanding of all aspects of brain injury; and to provide information, support and services to people with a brain injury. Helmet Safety Resource. From the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Click on CPSC Publications. Or email to for a copy of the brochure. National Resource Center for Traumatic Brain Injury. providing relevant, practical information for professionals, persons with brain injury, and family members. From Virginia Commonwealth University. Neurological Surgeons Association. Neurosurgical information. Medical professionals and others interested in neurosurgical educational opportunities, clinical news, legislative activities, practice management resources and information or membership in AANS will find it in these pages. Visit for public and patient information. TBI Home is a peer support website for people living with brain injury, their families and friends to support each other by sharing their experiences. The American Associaton of NeuroScience Nurses. The American Association of Neuroscience Nurses is a specialty organization serving nurses throughout the world. More than 4,000 career minded nurses in the United States and a dozen foreign countries belong to the AANN for the networking and continuing education it provides. The Perspectives Network. TPN's primary focus is communication between survivors, family members/care givers/friends, professionals and community members in order to create positive changes and enhance public awareness and knowledge of acquired brain injury. The TBI Help Desk for Caregivers. Owned and Operated by Jamaica Hospital Medical Center - Sponsored by United Hospital Fund. Traumatic Brain Injury Resource Guide. Center for neuroskills. Medical Information Anatomy Atlas. Atlas of human anatomy: A digital library of anatomy information. Brain Map. An article describing some of the common effects of damage to specific areas of the brain. Heads Up Facts
for Physicians about Traumatic Brain Injury The CDC, working with
a number of partners, has developed a new Healthgate. Healthgate is a search engine, which includes a limited but free search of Medline, the world's largest biomedical database. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Resources, statistics and educational materials from the CDC. The Anatomy of a Head Injury. Article describing what happens to the brain as a result of trauma. The NeuroScience Center. Source of clinical research information for the professional involved in the neurosciences. find news, research and software reviews. Also features The Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation, a publication for the therapist, family and patient. The Whole Brain Atlas. Tremendous brain atlas, visuals are terrific, the depth is superb. From Harvard, and it is worthy of Harvard. This is the web at its best; very technical but you can learn at your own pace, through text and visuals. Neuropsychology Neuropsychology Central. A comprehensive World Wide Web directory listing devoted exclusively to the subject of human neuropsychology. Shuffle Brain. How does the brain store the mind? This and other important questions are explored in this award winning site. Rehabilitation and Adjustment Avonlea Care Center. Avonlea Care Center is a specialized care home for survivors of severe traumatic brain injury, located in British Columbia, Canada. They provide a long term program for brain injured adults. Brain Book. The BRAIN BOOK® System is a unique educational program using the BRAIN BOOK®, a customized life manager/day planner specially designed to meet the complex needs of persons with brain injury. Centre For Neuro Skills. One of the more comprehensive TBI pages on the Web, including a glossary. CNS offers rehabilitation programs for individuals suffering from all types of brain injury. Naric Resouce Guide. Information guide that persons with head injury, their families, and friends can use to adjust to life after head injury. It includes resources to enhance one's knowledge of head injury, coping and caregiving skills, and the general quality of life for the person with a head injury. Ohio Valley Center for Brain Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation. The mission of the Ohio Valley Center for Brain Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation is to conduct research, provide education and develop programs to improve the quality of life of persons who experience traumatic brain injury. South West Brain Injury Rehabilition Service. Injury rehabilitation server that provides assistance to survivors of brain injury. Disability Sites Office of Special Education and Rehabilitive Services. OSERS provides a wide array of supports to parents and individuals, school districts and states in three main areas: special education, vocational rehabilitation and research. Untangling the Web. Comprehensive list of Disability-Related Web sites provide links to sites that point to many different disability-related information sources. Victimization of Persons with TBI is a fact sheet for professionals - describes an overview of the forms of victimization that can occur since individuals with disabilities are at increased risk for abuse. Western Disabilities Network. Disability Resources on the Internet. A top, highly comprehensive site, with hours of information. Publications Brain A Journal of Neurology. Oxford University Press journals. Lead Poisoning Lead Poisoning. Information about lead poisoning. People Pages Life with TBI. Resource-filled site that focuses on surviving traumatic brain injury. Dan Windheim shares his own story of TBI. Your TBI, ABI and Epilepsy Home Away from Home. Extensive brain injury and epilepsy links, including personal stories, poems, and online support information. collection of writings and thoughts including TBI Litigation material. Legal Pages Wisconsin State Law Library Use this site to access statutory, administrative and case law for federal, state and tribal jurisdictions as well as secondary resources such as legal forms. Wisconsin Law Journal Legal News, Verdict and Settlement Reports. Wisconsin State Legislature Searchable database of bills and amendments, statutes and other legislative documents. Law Library of Congress Constitution, Executive, Judiciary, Legislature, Legal Guides and Sources. The University of Wisconsin Law Library Library information and services. Wisconsin Women's Law Journal The Wisconsin Women's Law Journal is published twice a year by students of the University of Wisconsin Law School. The Journal grows out of two traditions: the University of Wisconsin Law School's "law in action" approach and the interdisciplinary design of women's studies. Contact Us: The Johnson Law Office |
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